The N1MM+ logging software continually polls the radio for frequency/mode information and has a default threshold of 15 seconds - if after 15 seconds it hasn't gotten a response from the radio, it stops polling and requires the user to do a manual Radio Reset action.
At the W4AAW remote operation, we have a high incidence of this occurring. It seems worse for some users than others, but it happens to most. We are experimenting with lengthening the timeout parameter, but that does not address the cause - why is the local (operator-side) instance of N1MM+ not receiving polling responses from the remote K3?
Chris KL9A has recommended switching from using the min-USB and USB as COM1 approach to using the COM1 serial port on the RRC, which means using a USB to serial converter between the PC and the Control RRC for most. He said that improved things for his remote operation.
To the Microbit folks: is there some reason why *not* using the USB at COM1 approach should reduce data loss of N1MM+ polling? Most of this N1MM_ type communications is UDP-based at ports above 12040 - some reason why that would be less reliable using USB as COM1?
Thanks and 73, John K3TN