Author Topic: Rotator board 1216L not seen on BUS A scan.  (Read 9997 times)


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Rotator board 1216L not seen on BUS A scan.
« on: 2018-11-05, 20:04:59 »
I am having trouble with a new install of Webswitch and 1216L.  I installed it about a month ago and has been working  fine right from start until this morning.
Yesterday we were hit with very high winds in excess of 110kmph. There were some power "bumps" in the remote site area during the wind storm.

This morning the yagi will not turn.  I could see on the Rotator page some movement off the resting position NORTH when I ask for the antenna to point EAST or WEST.  The Rotator indicator was resting at NORTH which is the direction of the antenna.  However during one of my attempts to turn the yagi the Rotator on screen indicator jumped to 162 degrees as I was looking at it.  That is where it is resting now.

When I scan for 1-wire devices the Webswitch reports that no devices are connected to BUS A.
--1-wire devices
--No BUS-A 1-wire devices found!

However I can see the 1216L in the SYSTEM INFO Pge of the Webswitch seen below.  Is this what I should be seeing or  is there and inconsistency.?
-Company   Microbit
-Product   1216H WebSwitch
-Model   HAM
-Software   4.23
-Hardware   2
-Bootloader   1.10
-Build   Nov 3 2015 09:01:45
-1216L   HW >= 5, FW 5
-S/N   2975
-PID   4
-Uptime   0 Days, 1 Hours, 30 Mins, 8 Secs
-RFC2217   Disabled due to rotator in use

Has the 1216L been disconnected from the Webswitch?  -or- has it gone defective? --Is that why the scan shows no devices and the rotator indicator  indicator jumped to 162 as I was looking at it.?  In the past when I have turned off the WebSwitch power supply the Rotator indicator has gone to approximately this position.  The power is on for both the Webswitch and the Rotator box but there is absolutely no sign that the rotator is trying to turn the antenna.

Can anyone shed any light on what I am seeing?....will be travelling to the site tomorrow for a first hand look.

Frank VO1HP


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Re: Rotator board 1216L not seen on BUS A scan.
« Reply #1 on: 2018-11-06, 14:51:49 »
Visiting the site today discovered that the 3A fuse in the rotator control box had failed.  Rotor back on line now and appears to be working  normally .  Except I did discover that in NORTH position some teeth must be gone from gear(s).   Had to move the antenna manually while on  the tower to get it off that spot.

Still don't see any DEVICES when a scan is done of BUS A.  Must be normal not to see the 1216L on this scan even though it is working normally.

Frank VO1HP