Thanks for your patience....
Serial settings on RadioRRC:
COM1 mode mode-7
COM1 baudrate 9600
COM1 data bits 8
COM1 stop bits 1
COM1 parity 0-Off
COM1 rts/cts No
COM1 terminator (hex) 00
COM2 mode Logical parallel with Com0
COM2 baudrate 38400
COM2 data bits 8
COM2 stop bits 1
COM2 parity 0-Off
COM2 terminator (hex) 0
I have a USB connected to Computer at REMOTE site, I see these ports:
Microbit virtual Comport (COM1)
RRC 1258 Come 0 (COM24)
RRC 1258 COM1 (COM22)
RRC 1258 COM2 (COM 23)
RRC 1258 COMExtra (COM25)
USB Serial Port (COM5)
USB Serial Port (COM4) (These last two are Green Heron rotator and unused)
I am unable to get connectivity with any of these. When I try to connect COM1 with N1MM+, I am told the port is being used by another application. When I try to connect to COM 22-25, nothing happens.
Recall that for the CONTROL setting, with a USB cable to a local computer, I get full rig control and I am able to send CW using the function keys of N1MM. In otherwords, the CONTROL functions perfectly.
On CONTROL, I have same settings as RADIO and USB is Yes. There is no setting on RADIO RR for USB
If I remove the USB cable on RADIO side and connect a serial cable with a Keyspan Serial converter (I have tried two) from RADIO RRC to Computer, I see COM1, COM4&5, and COM17. I am able to connect N1MM+ to COM17 and I am able to get rig control )it shows tuning, I can click and change frequency, etc, but I am unable to send CW through N1MM function keys.
I agree that there must be a setting off, but I am unable to find it. Baudrate for COM1 is set to 9600 for CONTROL and REMOTE. Baudrate for COM2 is 38400 for both CONTROL and REMOTE.
It appears that the Keyspan/TrippLite use FTDI, not prolific, chips.
Thanks again for your thoughts,
Phil, W3HZZ