Author Topic: Remote (radio end) cabling to allow local on site and remote operation  (Read 9833 times)


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New to RR setup.  When I am actually at the at the remote (radio) site there is no need to use the RR boxes. I want to operate the radio using a different mic with a foot switch, or a key for CW plus an external sound card for digital modes and an LP-Pan2.  I am trying to sort out the cabling and what is needed to avoid constantly having to physically move connections etc. I have been using my K3/mini with Remote Hams software and simply do not run the RemoteHams Server when physically at the site. Everything else stays the same whether I am at the remote site or operating many miles away. I am hoping I can replicate this functionality without having to disconnect the RemoteRig boxes and reroute cables etc.

I suspect others have already solved this issue and would welcome assistance.   

Chip - W6MY


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Hi Chip,

Basically, the answer is "no". You would have to plug things in under normal circumstances.

The only way around it would be a major hassle, but doable: you would need to buy Y-cables
or switches for whatever it is you have hooked up to the RRC. A Y-cable for a paddle or speaker
should be no problem, but probably not for a microphone. There are some companies making
switches to toggle microphones between two rigs, so that would be your best bet there.

For CAT, you can use a trick by enabling COM1 to duplicate COM2 (mode-6 or 7) and pulling CAT
off the RRC locally (not that the radio RRC's COM1 pinout is "backwards", so look at the manual).
If you are already using COM1 for syncing another device, then you can try a serial Y-cable and see
if it works, or go to a solid solution like the N6TV S-Box:

Either way, it will not be easy, but you can get it done with some effort and expense.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX


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Chipp- you say you have a K3.  It should be easy to switch the microphone- the RR mike cable goes to the rear Mic in or Lin In jack, the mike in the shack goes to the front mike input 8 pin DIN.  You do have to toggle the K3 Menu selection on mike input, but no recabling would be necessary.

Paralleling PTT is usually done without a problem- just use a "Y" cable.  Easily obtainable, cheap.

RR Speaker line goes to Headphone out on the rear panel.  You plug headphones in the front panel.  No cabling required.

K3 Lin OUT goes to the soundcard for decoding at the remote site.

I don't know what cables the LP Pan require, so I can't comment on them.

The one cable we haven't been able to avoid swapping out is the CW keying cable.  We did try paralleling a local keyer with the RR keying line, but it didn't work reliably.  So we just swap keying lines.  One cable is still a lot less to change.

Dennis W1UE


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Thanks to all for the reply's. I have an NCS Multi-Switcher that looks like it can handle the mic and audio chores. I also have an early version of the y-box that I plan to use. I will post my an update after I work through the recommendations received plus some of my own experimenting.

Thanks again,
Chip - W6MY