Author Topic: KPA500 amplifier remote control using RRC1258 COM1 and TS480  (Read 5822 times)


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I seeing some threads on this topic and still it is unclear if I can use the RRC COM 1 port on the RRC 1258 control to connect RS232 to my PC and run the remote utility. And then I'd connect another RS232 cable from the KPA500 to RRC Radio. I did see some talk on the com ports wired 'backwards' or using a null modem. I also have a webswitch 1216H perhaps that might work easier> If anyone could shed some light on this, would be much appreciated.
de Dave WB7ELY
//Dave WB7ELY


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Hi Dave,

Yes, you can use COM1 for remoting another serial device if available. In the case of a "Twin" configuration, such as the K3, the COM1 is usually used for CAT and would be
unavailable in that case. Otherwise, use a null-modem cable for the "backwards" COM1 on the radio RRC.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX