Author Topic: multiple location  (Read 5350 times)


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multiple location
« on: 2020-10-14, 17:53:26 »

I have a remote station with a TS-480 and run it with its front panel at home.

Now I would like to put the radio at the top of a mountain and us it together with a friend of mine.

Is it possible to have another remoterig box and another front panel and use the radio from two locations -obviously not at the same time-?

Would it be possible to run the second site with a remoterig box and a pc/software instead of using the TS-480 front panel?

As usual, I guess others have either already done that or at least enquired about it.



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Re: multiple location
« Reply #1 on: 2020-10-14, 21:15:36 »

No problem, you can have as many people as you want using the station, but obviously not at the same time. The group I am with has about 12 people using it that way. We have a logbook on Google Docs to coordinate who is using it and when.

We do not have a panel at the radio site. If one must use the rig, they need to use the computer or bring a panel with them.

Mitch DJ0QN / K7DX