Since at my remote location is almost impossible to get a public IP, I am trying to use a VPN service.
The IPstatico.org service offers to each user (over openVPN) a static IP and 32 ports that can be configured to be forwarded to the RRC.
I have configured the router to forward the ports assigned to me to the RRC ports, e.g.:
Static IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: myport xxxx1 --> RRC Local IP: RRC port 80
Static IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: myport xxxx2 --> RRC Local IP: RRC port 13000
Static IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: myport xxxx3 --> RRC Local IP: RRC port 13001
Static IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: myport xxxx4 --> RRC Local IP: RRC port 13002
Now I can infact reach the WEB interface from the outside. Anyway, it seems the 2 RRCs cannot communicate to each other on ports 13000-13002. In the Advenced settings (control side) I have indicated the static IP and the xxxc2-xxxx4 as new SIP, RTP and DATA ports but it doesn't work....
any idea?
73 de Enrico IZ4AFL / OE7AFT