Author Topic: Rising 3-tone signal when attempting to connect to remote station  (Read 12058 times)


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RRC1258 in K3-twin configuration.  WiFi at control site is a dongle that works fine providing wifi access to a computer that does not have internal wifi.  Additionally, it has worked with the RRC1258.  Remote station is W7RN and it has worked just fine for several years.  For unknown reasons, I've suddenly lost connectivity and get a signal of 3 rising tones [similar to the old telephone all-trunks-busy].  What is it telling me?

I've verified:

The 1258's IP address is which corresponds to the IP address our router's DHCP has assigned to my 1258's MAC address.  The SIP address and port numbers are correct for the W7RN remotes [there are three, directed to the right one by port forwarding at the station].

The green PWR LED is steady green.

My K3 fails to go into TERM mode.  It just displays the normal banner and then I get the 3-tone signal and the yellow and red LED's on the AUX/MIC RJ-45 on the front panel begin blinking yellow and red.

I'm stumped, any help?

Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
Sparks, NV USA


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When I hear that Three tone  Alarm  here it usually means that no connection can be made to the remote 1258 by the Control 1268.  ...and that condition usually means a problem with the SIP address . It happened here a few days ago after a power failure at the remote.  WHen power was restored the WAN IP Address of the router  providing connectivity to the internet had changed. I was able to discover the new WAN IP Address at the remote location as I have a PC there that I access by using ANyDesk remote desktop software.....and can access the remote router admin page by typing in the Chrome browser URL line.

 For some reason the dynamic DNS service did not pickup the WAN IP change.  I disabled the Dynamic DNS  and manually typed in the new WAN IP of the remote site into the SIP Connection box in the Control Radio Settings page.  There was no Alarm and Connection was made normally.

Did you verify that you have the correct WAN IP Address for the router at the remote end and are you certain the port forwarding is still intact at the remote router  for ports 13000, 13001,13002.?

73 Frank VO1HP


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Thanks for the reply Frank. The station's IP address is static, I think it has something to do with the WAN [AT&T] being fiber, but at any rate it does not change.  I have separate RRC profiles for each of the 3 remotes, and they are correct.  We did have a problem with the station's DHCP giving a different local LAN address to one of the remotes once but other users are able to connect now using the SIP and ports that I have.  I haven't touched the 1258's configurations other than to select one profile or another in possibly a year.

The problem with remote operation is too many moving parts and I can only get to half of them without a 70 km drive. [:=)  Maybe someone will show up with some ideas I haven't thought of yet.  Thanks again.

Fred ["Skip"] K6DGW
Sparks NV


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Check what the status page says in your Control-RRC. If the Radio side is reachable for others the problem is at your side. If the radio side has a static IP you probably have set the static IP as SIP contact ? and then you are not depending on a working DNS or DDNS hostname, If you use a  Remoterig DDNS hostname as Sip contact it can be that the Radio-RRC has not updated the DDNS system after the database was cleared about two month ago. You can check if the ddns hostname is updated here

73 de mike
« Last Edit: 2023-07-10, 08:56:49 by sm2o »


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I may be closing in.  In the "IP address" panel, I can trace the LAN IP [] back in our router to a DHCP lease to the RRC's MAC so RRC and router are talking.  However the gateway address in the RRC is wrong.  As long as DHCP is checked, I can't change it.  Our I/Q router's leases seem to be for a day or less so I've got the RRC powered down.  I'll turn it back on after 24 hours and see if it will get a good IP and Gateway from the router.

This problem has occurred a couple of times before but I've never tracked down what was happening.  It just sort of fixed itself after awhile. <K6DGW>


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I was wrong ... yet again.  Way too many moving parts to this lash up. [:=)  Now, the MAC addr of my 1258 no longer shows up in our router's DHCP lease list.  I'll try the power down for 24 hrs, and start up again.  Sure wish I understood what this gizmo is trying to do.


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Your radio RRC 1258 should have a fixed LAN IP address not a DHCP one that may change. Set it in 1258 Settings and set it outside the DHCP range of your router.

Even though your WAN router has a fixed/static IP address it may be a good idea to have your radio 1258 reporting its WAN IP address to the RemoteRig DDNS. Another trick, which I understand you use, is to have a pc running at the radio site and set it up with remote access so you can get from there to the 1258 Settings page. I use Google Chrome Remote Desktop with a password saved to my Google account - free and works well.

73, Palle, OZ1RH - OZ5W contest site