Author Topic: Is anyone running HRD with a remote IC7100 & RR1258?  (Read 902 times)


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I am looking for help from anyone who is using HRD software or Icom's RS-BA1 (or anything) to operate a remote IC-7100 using a pair of RR1258 mk-II and the Icom CT-17 CI-V interface.

I followed all of the instructions and I can't get it to work. The remote control head works fine and so does CW.

The software seems to connect and it does change frequency, but it's VERY slow, incomplete and unusable. This tells me that virtual COM 7 is the right port and it's set to 9600 8n1. I have a 1 Gbps U/D fiber connection on this end and a Cable MODEM on the other (300/20 Mbps).

Path: HRD software --> Win 11 Computer --> USB (virtual COM 7 9600 8n1)--> RR1258 USB (set to COM2 Mode-2,CI-V 9600 8n1, use USB) --> Router+MODEM --> Internet --> MODEM+Router --> RR1258 (set to COM 2 Mode 2 CI-V 9600 8n1) --> Icom CT-17 Interface --> IC7100 radio (Remote)

 - Can I set the COM ports to 19,200? Will the CT-17 interface recognize this?
 - The computer has USB2 and USB3 ports. Can this be the issue?
 - The computer does not have an RS232 port so if I want a direct RS232 to the RR1258, I will need a USB-to/from-RS232 converter anyway

I also tried to use RT-Systems to read or write and it always fails.
« Last Edit: 2024-11-29, 06:33:13 by W4AFK »