Generic Yeasu (mode=3 and 4)
(updated 2009-03-10)


RRC-1258 also supports the YAESU CAT protocol used by almost every YAESU radio. Then you have to use a PC-software ex. HamRadioDeLuxe or a similar rig control software at the control site. All audio and data communication goes true the RRC:s so you don't have to worry about the audio quality. No more problems with soundcards and Skype etc. And most important, you don't need a PC at the remote site.

YAESU use at least two variations of their CAT protocol.  FT-2000  differs from FT-817, 857 and 897 for example. The messages to and from FT-2000 ends with a ; (semicolon) which is missing in the protocol used by  FT-817, 857 and 897. When ; is present mode=4 should be used, if not mode=3 should be used.


RRC-1258 connected to a FT-857.

I used CT-62 cable. Use TTL and  8-pin Mini DIN instead. For the big radios using RS232 order RRC with RS232 port included.






Setup with RRC and HamRadioDeLuxe









Cable from RRC-1258 to YAESU Radio (FT-817,857,897)

I used a  CT-62 cable. Use TTL and  8-pin Mini DIN instead. For the big radios using RS232 order RRC with RS232 port included.







Keep the cable from RRC to radio short. Use shielded mic cable. The mic signal is sensitive of HF from antennas etc as usual.

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Cable from RRC-1258 to YAESU Radio (FT-2000 etc)

Keep the cable from RRC to radio short. Use shielded mic cable. The mic signal is sensitive of HF from antennas etc as usual.

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Cable from Mic/Speaker/PC to RRC (FT-817,857,897)

Cable for PC, Mic and speaker connected to RC-1258








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Cable from Mic/Speaker/PC to RRC (FT-2000  etc.)

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RS232/TTL is not needed anymore order RRC with RS232 PC port.

When you have finished the cable production always test them with the 2xRJ-45 extender before connecting them to the RRC:s. Drawing 2xRJ-45

The web interface is used to connect or disconnect from/to the remote site. The Disconnect/Connect feature is placed on the status page.