The Kenwood TM-D700 is dual band FM-transceiver with separate control panel which is perfect for remote control via Internet. It’s very simple to Interface the TM-D700 for remote control via the RRC:s. You need to make two simple cables. One from the Control panel to the Control-RRC and one from the the Radio-RRC to the Radio. The standard mic provided with the TM-D710 can be used and connected directly to the RRC. From Radio-RRC to Radio a standard shielded CAT-5 cable can be used inmost cases for the Mic-signals. A standard audio cable with 1/8″ inch connectors are used for the audio. A speaker are also needed as there is no speaker in the Control panel. Be aware of that APRS or Packet will not work without further modifications as the packet TNC are located in the front panel.
All software settings are the same as for TS-2000, but the straps are a little bit different in the Control-RRC as the MC-59 mic needs 8V DC feeding. ( see drawing below).
Remember that the function buttons on the microphone is not working but the DTMF do work. Packet and APRS is not tested but all other functions works as in the normal setup.
Attention! Always check the users manual for updated drawings before starting to make cables
The Control-RRC are powered with a simple 13.8V (10-18V) power supply. The display (backlighter) and speaker amplifier needs lot power so use min 1A.
The Radio-RRC could be powered with a separate Power supply or the same as the radio. If you use the Radio PS make sure you have a 1A fuse on the output to the RRC. Do not connect it direct to a 20-40A PS the cable will melt if something happens.