
User manuals

User manual for RRC-1258MkII,RRC-1258MkIIs and RRC-1258 v1 *

Here is a printable user manual available for download.

But think of the environment and please don’t print the whole manual, it’s more than 200 pages.

RemoteRig RRC-1258MkII Users Manual (Release A40 2019 Sept-18)

* For RRC1258 the hardware differs but the software functions are the same.

User manual for Remote Control RC-1216H

Here is a printable user manual available for download (>90 pages).

From fw v4.59

RC1216H-Users manual (release A16 2020-10-07 fw v4.59)

Before fw v.4.59

RC1216H-Users_manual (release A14 2017-11-16)

User manual for  5-way Antenna Switch AS-1289

Here is a printable user manual available for download.

AS-1289-Users_manual (release A3 2018-11-02)

User manual for 10-way Antenna Switch AS-1269

Here is a printable user manual available for download.

AS-1269-Users_manual (release A5 2020-08-01)

The user manuals can be updated without any further notice, always check for the latest version when starting installation and setup.

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